What You Will Learn

'Blues dancing' is a family of historical black dances done to Blues music. It relies heavily on improvisation, musicality, and creating a sense of tension and release in the dance. It is a dance that is smooth, energetic, in-your-face, sexy, subtle...and anything else you want it to be.

"Learn Blues in One Day" is...

What does it mean to dance “Blues”?
Why is it different from other dances?
How can I easily look good in just one day?

We'll show you how to connect with another person on the dance floor, express the music, and enjoy the natural movements. You'll get important techniques, plus cool moves to use and impress your partner with -- all in a fun and relaxed class! Sign up here

"Better Blues in One Day" is...

ALL-NEW! Perfect if you've taken any "Learn Blues" or "Better Blues" workshop before. Here's a sample of what we teach, every month is fresh:

New Blues Rhythms:
• Stomp Downs  • Slides
• Shimmies  • Lock Turns
• Tack Steps  • and more
New Blues techniques:
• how to be more creative
• improved partner connection
• Blues musicality
• better techniques for Follows
• new moves for Leaders
• smooth style transitions
• new turns and spins
• and more

This progressive class dives deeper into the important Blues aesthetic & style. Ready to go further? Sign up here